calving season

Three Tips To A Successful Calving Season

Calving season is a magical time on the farm. It's a celebration of new life, a chance to witness the miracle of birth unfold. Healthy calves are the future of your ranch, and ensuring their safe arrival is paramount. From prepping your calving space to assembling

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How to Help a Cow Give Birth In 7 Steps

Calving is a difficult and stressful time for even the most healthy, well looked after cow, which is why as a farmer it is essential that you know what you can do to make the whole thing as easy on both mother and calf as possible. As you'd expect, heifers

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5 Common Calf Diseases - How To Prevent & Treat Them

In terms of survival, the first few weeks are the most crucial of a young calf's life, as their bodies are not yet developed to the point where they can effectively fight off illnesses. With so many potential health hazards around, it is important that as

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Essential Calving Equipment For Dairy Farmers

When it comes to looking after livestock there is never a dull moment. You start the year preparing for lambing season and before it's even over calving season begins! Calving, like lambing, is not going to be an easy time for you, the cow or her calf, which

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The Ultimate Calving Guide: Weaning Your Calves

If left to act independently the weaning process of a calf would be counted in months, but with the right encouragement and a little bit of patience the time it takes can be reduced considerably. The first thing to realise though is that weaning should not

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